MULTIVAC Group Logo_4c
MULTIVAC Group Logo_4c









MULTIVAC Group Logo_4c
MULTIVAC Group Logo_4c









TVI color black background

RGB: 0 | 0 | 0
HEX: #000000
CMYK: 40 | 0 | 0 | 100
Pantone Black
RAL 9005
Oracal 702
HKS 88 K

TVI blue

RGB: 12 | 104 | 176
HEX: #0c68b0
CMYK: 100 | 50 | 0 | 0
Pantone 2935 C
RAL 5017
Oracal 631-98
HKS 44 K


by | Oct 31, 2022 | Basic elements

Colour concept

White and black are mainly used for text and backgrounds. The TVI color black background is mainly used for backgrounds and for writing on white. The color is also used in illustrations and graphics. The TVI color blue is used as an accent color on black or white. This applies to text, icons, illustrations. This colour can be used as a secondary color in illustrations and graphics.
Functional shades of gray can be used to supplement backgrounds, illustrations, graphics and text.

Brand colours

The TVI brand colors are used exclusively as full shades. They may not be darkened, brightened or displayed transparently.

TVI Background Black

RGB: 0 | 0 | 0
HEX: #000000
CMYK: 40 | 0 | 0 | 100
Pantone Black
RAL 9005
Oracal 702
HKS 88 K

TVI Logo | Text | teasers | Call2Action Blue

RGB: 12 | 104 | 176
HEX: #0c68b0
CMYK: 100 | 50 | 0 | 0
Pantone 2935 C
RAL 5017
Oracal 631-98
HKS 44 K

Secondary colors

The secondary colors at TVI are used for the different business areas in order to separate them from each other in terms of colour. This is done in the form of headings, icons or clips in the respective business area color.

TVI tempering

RGB: 90 | 145 | 205
HEX: #5a91cd
CMYK: 75 | 30 | 0 | 0
Pantone 279 C
RAL 5015
Oracal 555
HKS 44 K – 70%

TVI portioning

RGB: 277 | 6 | 19
HEX: #e30613
CMYK: 0 | 100 | 100 | 0

TVI special applications

RGB: 255 | 237 | 0
HEX: #ffed00
CMYK: 0 | 0 | 100 | 0

TVI Insertion

RGB: 249 | 174 | 0
HEX: #f9ae00
CMYK: 0 | 36 | 100 | 0

TVI lines

RGB: 0 | 118 | 58
HEX: #00763a
CMYK: 93 | 38 | 100 | 0

TVI training

RGB: 122 | 33 | 130
HEX: #7a2182
CMYK: 65 | 100 | 0 | 0

TVI Multitalent

RGB: 156 | 79 | 0
HEX: #9c4f00
CMYK: 0 | 64 | 100 | 44

Possible colour combinations

Functional shades of gray can be used to supplement backgrounds, illustrations, graphics and text.

RGB: 57|57|57
HEX: #393939

RGB: 74|74|748
HEX: #4A4A4A

RGB: 87|87|87
HEX: #575757

RGB: 99|99|99
HEX: #636363

RGB: 111|111|111
HEX: #6F6F6F

RGB: 124|124|124
HEX: #7C7C7C

RGB: 135|135|135
HEX: #878787

RGB: 146|146|146
HEX: #929292

RGB: 157|157|157
HEX: #9D9D9D

RGB: 168|168|168
HEX: #A8A8A8

RGB: 178|178|178
HEX: #B2B2B2

RGB: 188|188|188

RGB: 198|198|198
HEX: #C6C6C6

RGB: 208|208|208
HEX: #D0D0D0

RGB: 218|218|218

RGB: 227|227|227
HEX: #E3E3E3

RGB: 237|237|237

RGB: 246|246|246
HEX: #F6F6F6

Color weighting

Color weighting in TVI media should approximate the displayed area ratio. The background color black predominates. Writing and lines determine the proportion of white. The light gray is achieved by placing machine images. The blue is used for action areas, iillustrations or to represent the visual. It also serves as the font color for headings. Ideally, the photographs also fit into this colour harmony.

MULTIVAC Farbgewichtung
Black print

RGB: 0 | 0 | 0
HEX: #000000
CMYK: 40 | 0 | 0 | 100
Pantone Black
RAL 9005
Oracal 702
HKS 88 K

Black online

RGB: 43 | 43 | 43
HEX: #2b2b2b

White print

RGB: 255 | 255 | 255
HEX: #ffffff
CMYK: 0 | 0 | 0 | 0
RAL 9010
Oracal 631-98
HKS 44 K

White online

RGB: 252 | 252 | 252
HEX: #fcfcfc

Gray background online

RGB: 242 | 242 | 242
HEX: #f2f2f2

MULTIVAC Farbgewichtung

Possible color combinations

Due to the poor contrast, no black text may be set on a dark blue background or dark blue text on a black bakground.

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