E-mail signature
10 June 2024
Machine branding
14 June 2024
E-mail signature
10 June 2024
Machine branding
14 June 2024


The MULTIVAC icons visualise information and interactions in a simple, direct way. They are an indispensable part of the corporate design and can be used flexibly. The complete icon set can be downloaded here.


Care should be taken to present the information as simply as possible and to minimise the form.


All icons are designed with pixel accuracy in a size of 24 x 24 pixels.

Line width 

Icons always consist of outlines without filling. The line width is 0.8 pt. The contour end and the corner option must be round.

Functional application 

Icons are displayed in functional applications exclusively in MULTIVAC dark blue and white

Illustrative use

Icons may also be displayed in accent blue in illustrative presentations with a purely design function.

Brand recognition in the icons

If an icon is required to reflect the MULTIVAC brand independently (see brand recognition in the typography), elements can be coloured in the MULTIVAC accent colour light blue.

Icons and typography

If icons are directly related to typography, it is important to observe a few combination rules. This does not rule out editorial use in free layout design.

Handling the typography

Icons are set in a ratio of 3:1 or 2:1 to typography. The principles defined in the typography section apply here.

If the icon is directly combined with the typography, the colour of the two elements must match.


The distance between text and icon or icon and icon is always half the height or width of the icon.


Icons are either left, right or centred above the typography.

If the number of lines is three or more, the icon is set flush with the top edge of the text frame.

Icon overview

Iconset - Purchasing

Iconset - Industries

Iconset - Training

Iconset - Training

Iconset - HR

Iconset - Digitisation

Iconset - e-concept

Iconset - Company key figures

Iconset - Portfolio 

Iconset - Handling

Icon Download

You can download the MULITVAC icon set here. It is available as PNG, SVG or as AI data.

If you are missing icons or if you would like to supplement your icons or have them revised in our new style, please contact mc@multivac.de 

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